Sunday, 22 May 2011

Classy Claire and her bags.

Drool Warning: Following items may make you drool slightly, especially if you're a bag lover!

I've had so much fun looking through Claire of Clasibags items, they're wonderful! What any bag lover would love to get their mitts on. I almost forgot I was meant to be writing a blog post about her!
So, Claire knits and felts bags along with other items such as phone cases and brooches. They colours are fabulous and the textures of the felt and wool just bring the bag to life and give them their character! (Yes, bags do have characters, hehe!)

Looking through Claire's items has been a much needed break from revision (exam today, another tomorrow then done, woop!) and to be quite frank, she needs to keep making so I can keep drooling over them. This is my personal favourite, it's an 'ends of ball' bag so bits and bobs of colours to make up this gorgeousness:How can you just not love those colours? They remind me of autumn. Yummy!
Here's another felted one I like. With this one I love the block colours, and the contrast in those colours:And here are my two favourite knitted bags. They both shine with elegance! Firstly, a black and white one. Who doesn't adore black and white together? And secondly, a purpley, browny coloured bag with chunky orange and green flowers, more yummyness!

And, I even love the handles!
This is where you can find Claire, and as you can see from the pictures you should definitely go and find her :)
Her Blog
Aaaand her website.


And on a last note, I'll be finished with exams after tomorrow, away for a week or so and then I'll be back to the making. Got a funky new project which someone has asked me to do so pictures of that will come up as and when I begin to make it. It will be exciting! :D

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Inkydoodler!

Soon I will keep up with this blog and add some more stuffs to it of my own but exams are taking priority and I haven't been able to make much or do much to blog about unfortunately. So, I am quite happily blogging about the wonderful peeps out there who are doing their hobbies and keeping me entertained with their creativeness while I can't entertain myself and I hope you all get as much enjoyment out of them as I do :)

This week, I am blogging about an Inkydoodler :D Hehe. And I must say, I do love the doodles :)
The woman I'm talking about is Mel from Inkydoodlecrafts and this is where you can find her: facebook, Etsy, Ebay and her blog. Now, especially if you're a card maker but everyone else too, you'll just love the colours and design that Mel comes up with. I'm gonna natter a bit first and then show you my favourite pieces from her. Mel is it seems first and foremost a card maker and I have really enjoyed looking through her cards and I really like the Christmas ones! I know it's not Christmas yet but I'm definitely glad she's included them on her facebook page! Gotta love the forward thinking :D Anyways, for the time being I'm going to concentrate on the card toppers that Mel has designed as these have really caught my eye. Firstly are some card charms that caught my eye because of their colours. I like the kind of watercolour effects and especially the dragonfly...which leads me on to the next one! These six enamelled tiles make up a beautiful butterfly! I tend to avoid putting green and red together because I think they look too christmassy but I admire the way Mel has used red and green with this butterfly. It looks wonderful and not at all christmassy! Perfeck! And last but not least, I adore this set of six card tiles because to be quite frank, they remind me of my grandad! I love him and I think he would love these! On a tangent I just stuck my hair in my drink, not cool. Eugh. Anyways, the seaside theme is great :D Again, I don't tend to use blues because I think it's a cold colour but AGAIN Mel has used the colour scheme perfectly to create warm and and lovely card toppers. I'm gonna stop rambling now...go enjoy Mel's doodles, I definitely do :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Wonderful Di Sandland

I'm now sitting down to talk about this lovely woman, Di. I'm part of a blog ring (you may have noticed quite a few featured artists on my blog recently!) and as part of this I have to research the people I'm writing about. This week is Di - I have only been doing my research for the last five minutes and I already think she's wonderful! I've seen her work on Craft Pimp Forum but haven't read about her. Now I have and she's made my heart warmer! Read about Di here, she'll make you smile, I promise! Especially look at her manifesto.

Anyway, now on to her work! Di works in silver, which I must admit looks very fun! I know I always say I'm jealous of what other people do but that's because I am! I'd love to lampwork (and will one day) and I'd love to work with silver (hopefully will one day!). 'Expressions in Silver.' - Love it! Di takes inspirational words and etches them on to silver to create some gorgeous jewellery, beads and clasps. I LOVE this clasp and now I want to make a bracelet to match it!And here's a pendant she made (This makes me giggle just because I love the words):
So go look! Go read! Enjoy, she's a fun person who makes fun stuff!! :D
Oh, and here's where to find her, hehe!
Di's Diary
And Twitter.